Thursday, February 27, 2014

Whoop there it is.

Good news!!

I have been doing Insulite Labs for about a month and a half now (not consistently, but I have been trying hard!) and today I got a surprise. Who would have thought I would EVER be excited about starting my menstrual cycle!? Yup. This is the first one I have had since I stopped birth control back at the end of October! Honestly I had no idea it was coming. The only PMS symptoms that I have even had are being extra tired and acne, and I guess a slight craving for chocolate. Or maybe I have just grown so accustomed to it not coming, I didn't even realize they were PMS symptoms. Either way, YAY!

Besides taking the pills, I have also been getting more exercise and doing a little better with at least eating more veggies! I have noticed that I want protein in the mornings now more than I want carbs. I have eaten a bagel here and there because I still suck at preparing food ahead of time, and I give in because I am starved at work and need to eat. I find myself craving eggs a lot in the mornings, and I never have them.. :( I need to fix that.

*I started this post a couple of days ago and decided to wait to see how the week went. This cycle has lasted 3 days so far and it is light, but I am just so glad it came! We'll have to see if it comes along again next month.

I've noticed I do so much better when I add exercise into the mix of this. I tend to want to eat better, I have more energy, and overall I feel more positive about myself.
Exercise = Good.

So that is the most recent update from me! More details will come later.
For those of you who feel awkward discussing this topic, TOO BAD! ;)

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